2023: A Year of Longevity Challenges

Published on
September 13, 2024
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How longevity challenges can help slow your aging in 2023

With the year drawing to a close, our thoughts are turning to 2023 and the new and innovative ways we can help you to age better. Like many others in the longevity space, we’ve been enjoying Chris Hemsworth’s new TV show, Limitless  in which longevity expert Dr Peter Attia helps Hemsworth tackle a series of challenges designed to improve his aging.

Each challenge is based on a well-validated longevity intervention and they include:

  • A 30-meter (100ft) rope climb (physical strength)
  • A 4-day water fast (calorie restriction)
  • A 250-yard swim in the Arctic sea (cold immersion)

Well-designed longevity challenges bring a range of benefits:

  • Physiological - To achieve certain challenges you’ll need to improve your strength, cardiovascular fitness, and mobility, all of which will noticeably improve your aging
  • Psychological - Attempting challenges requires you to cultivate resilience and perseverance, and successfully completing them will lead to an uplift in mood and overall improvements in mental health
  • Social - Social bonds are vital components of a long and healthy life, and discussing challenges together as we attempt them can help build new relationships, strengthen existing ones, and spark interesting debates

In light of all these, Zest will be designing a series of longevity challenges for 2023 (one per month) to help all of us reap the promising benefits they have to offer.

The challenges will be accessible to all with varying degrees of difficulty and support based on your unique superpowers. Regardless of financial circumstances or other constraints, we’re committed to helping you choose and complete the right longevity challenges for you. 

Below is a preliminary timetable of the longevity themes we’ll be building challenges around each month. We'll be recommending structured programs for each month and will be attempting them as a team each month right alongside you!

Please share your comments below if you have any questions or suggestions of your own for consideration - we'd really value your input! Be sure to sign up to the mailing list too to follow along as each new challenge is released.